
Successful dissolution of agar in acidic environments: the ultimate guide

Agarmex offers a specialized guide on the proper use of agar in acidic environments, detailing essential guidelines for its optimal handling.

To activate the gelling properties of agar, it should begin with its dissolution. It is advised to gradually add it to water or milk, preferably cold, while constantly stirring to achieve suitable suspension and prevent clumping.

To enhance suspension, agar powder can be premixed with other dry ingredients, such as sugar, before adding it to water or milk.

It is crucial to consider the pH during preparation, as solutions with a pH below 4 and prolonged heating times can impact the functional properties of agar.

To prevent agar hydrolysis during heating, practical approaches are suggested:

  • If a specific ingredient lowers the pH, it is recommended to add it during the cooling stage of the mixture, around 50ºC.
  • In acidic environments with a pH below 4, it is best to dissolve agar separately in a small amount of water or milk and carefully mix it with the acidic medium when both liquids are at a similar temperature, around 50ºC.

Once the agar gel is formed, the pH does not affect its stability, being more resilient in acidic environments compared to carrageenans or gelatin.

It is essential to note that this guide is purely indicative, and users are advised to conduct tests in their specific applications. For further information, do not hesitate to contact our technical team.


Sea kelps, traditionally essential in Asian cuisine, are gaining international popularity due to their versatility across various industries. From food production to scientific research, sea kelps present a source of innovation and multiple possibilities.

There are increasingly more projects seeking to discover new uses for the large amount of waste generated during algae processing.

Supply of Sustainable Nutritional Ingredients:

Sea kelps are capturing the attention of the food industry by offering innovative and sustainable ingredients. Agar-agar, for instance, is widely utilized as a thickening agent in processed foods, providing a natural and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional ingredients.

Health Applications:

In the health sector, sea kelps are proving to be versatile ingredients with various applications in creating new products, from nutritional supplements to skincare formulations. Their richness in omega-3 and antioxidant properties make them essential components in wellness and personal care products.

Microbiology in Research:

The applications of sea kelps in microbiology are creating new opportunities in the research domain. Their interaction with microorganisms is being explored to develop new antimicrobial and antibiotic products, offering innovative solutions for the ever-evolving demands of scientific research.

Contribution to Bioremediation:

In sustainability-focused sectors, sea kelps stand as key agents in bioremediation. Their ability to absorb water contaminants is leveraged in purifying polluted aquatic environments, presenting efficient solutions for businesses committed to environmental responsibility.

Pharmaceutical Development:

In the pharmaceutical realm, sea kelps are under intense research. Their bioactive compounds offer opportunities for developing new medications and treatments, promising prospects for innovation in the healthcare industry.

In conclusion, sea kelps offer sustainable and versatile solutions. From food ingredients to advancements in scientific research, sea kelps are valuable allies in transitioning various industries towards more environmentally friendly practices and innovation in their products.

Agarmex provides a wide range of agars, peptones, and agaroses tailored to meet our customers’ needs.